Love Interest Wiki
S1e6 lazy susan

Lazy Susan is the love interest of Stan Pines in the episode "Dipper vs. Manliness" from the TV show, Gravity Falls. She is voiced by Jennifer Coolidge.

History []

Season 1 []

Lazy Susan is first seen writing down an order at Greasy's Diner in "Tourist Trapped," while Norman breaks the glass of the door to open it for Mabel.

In "The Legend of the Gobblewonker," she is seen "fishing" at Lake Gravity Falls on the Opening Day of Fishing Season, holding out a frying pan alongside with her fishing rod, and calling for the fish to jump in.

The day before Grunkle Stan, Mabel, and Dipper go to eat at Greasy's Dinner for breakfast in "Dipper vs. Manliness," she was hit by a bus. However, she seems fine and is able to work as usual.

The following day, Grunkle Stan is shown to have a crush on her, so Mabel tries to spark their romance and offers Stan some help. Later in the episode when Mabel brings Stan to the diner, Lazy Susan actually laughs at one of his jokes, then gives Stan her phone number and a piece of pie on the house. However, during the episode's end credits, we can hear Lazy Susan leaving Stan a message asking him to call her back, and he starts getting annoyed, possibly meaning that he no longer has a crush on her. She is quite upset when one of her cats, Mr. Cat-Face, refuses to greet Stan over the telephone.
